Trolls, Weddings, Etc
Yesterday was a wonderfully productive day. I think I’m climbing back up out of the dark hole I’ve been in since my friend died.
I got caught up on client work, I went for a walk, and I even left the house to go somewhere with people! I tried to call both my congressmen to express my displeasure with their support of Jeff Sessions; each mailbox was full, but it sure felt good to try.
I didn’t quite finish last week’s book, Queen of the Dark Things, by C. Robert Cargill, but I will be finishing it today, and catching up on my short stories. I would have gotten caught up last night, but I was out at an event held by local gaming cafe Emerald Tavern, Painting With A Pint. I love this event, and I hadn’t been in months.
For all of ten bucks, you get a beer, a Reaper miniature, and everything you need to paint that miniature. Last night I painted my first troll, and I’m pretty satisfied with how he turned out. I started with a vague intention to paint him to look like Donald Trump, but I couldn’t get the hair the right color.
I spent Saturday exploring a very special level of Hell, that of wedding dress shopping. This is happening in four weeks, and I still don’t have whatever I’m going to wear. I basically hate everything about modern wedding dresses, from weird ideas about them needing to be white (myth created by the wedding industry) to the entire concept of spending that much on something I’m going to wear once, ever. It makes much more sense to me to just buy a nice dress in a style I like that would be appropriate for going out in again.
And so many people have this creepy obsession with what I’m going to wear. I don’t understand it. It’s like wedding dresses are viewed as some kind of magical fetish object in a cult I never joined. I hate it and it makes me want to yell at my friends about their limited realities, societal programming, and sexism. Which is not cool.
I’ve been having fun with the INTP tag on Tumblr. INTP is a personality type in the Meyers Brigg Personality test, and it’s a bit ridiculous how closely it describes me. INTP’s basically feel like awkward scientists from outer space and the future trapped in this world that we really, really do not understand but are trying to study in depth. I need to make some memes about INTP’s dealing with weddings, I think it would be cathartic.
Today is also going to be a busy day, which I’m glad for. I have a clearly defined list of tasks to run through, something I really need in order to keep myself productive and actually accomplish these huge goals that I’ve set for myself. Like make wedding decorations that I actually enjoy… sigh.