A Silly Weekend Ahead
The third issue of Speculations is out today. Without intending to, I’ve stuffed the week’s links full of robots and artificial life forms, and feel like I’m looking at the recipe that is eventually going to create Cylons.
We’re going to go see Kong tonight. I’m keeping my expectations low, and intend to have a beer. The review buzz seems to average out to some sort of hammed up cheesecake with monsters, so I’m cautiously optimistic that it will be a fun time.
SXSW takes control of Austin today, which means that we don’t drive south into the city for anything for about two weeks. We do like to take the train to downtown and check out anything a guest pass will get us into. Most of my experience with VR headsets actually comes from the SXSW gaming expo over the last couple of years.
Tomorrow night we’re going to the local phenomenon that is Party World Rasslin’. It’s like the WWE, but with cyborgs and space aliens and very convoluted plot lines involving time travel. I will spend part of today spray painting some devil’s pitchforks and turning them into Atlantean tridents, which we will wave around proudly to show our support to Posei-Borg.
It’s going to be a very silly weekend.