Thoughts On The Future
I always figured that the big historical movements I would live through would be things like massive climate upheavals, food and water shortages, and weird economic shifts brought by the early phases of space colonization. I did not expect the shit that happened this past weekend.
- Neo-Nazi Steve Bannon is not-so-secretly running the administration.
- Hundreds of lawful permanent residents can’t get a straight answer on whether they can get back into the United States.
- ISIS and any other group with a grudge against the U.S. got the best gift they could possibly ask for from the hands of Trump.
- People were shot down at a mosque in Montreal last night.
- We really need to stop Betsy DeVos, enemy of the public school system, from becoming the Secretary of Education.
- So many other things.
The good news is that people are up and marching, and they’re probably going to keep marching. The nation is at a strange crossroad, and the path we all go down will determine the fate of our country’s soul. And probably the economic health and security of most of the rest of the world.
This whole thing is being orchestrated like bad television. It’s like things are being thrown out there for drama and flair. Nothing is researched or vetted as even having legal standing. The Department of Homeland Security wasn’t consulted AT ALL on the executive order.
- This is bad for reasons of morality
- This is bad for reasons of legality
- This is bad for business at all levels
- This is bad for national security
I have to stay off of Facebook or I yell at people for posting propaganda. I have to stay off of Twitter because it ages me five years every time I look at my timeline. Like a lot of creative professionals, I’m having a really hard time getting anything done. I haven’t figured out yet how to channel it into my writing, but I’m working on it.
Fascism. We are living through an actual fascist takeover of the United States of America.