Introducing Myself
Hi there, I’m Jenn Burroughs. I write science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
This blog is both an experiment and a ridiculous dream. By following the techniques laid out by such entities as The Self Publishing Podcast, Joanna Penn, and the DIY MFA, I hope to connect with those elusive individuals who enjoy my ideas and my stories.
I know you’re out there; I will find you, and I will entertain you.
I’ve been dabbling as a writer for as long as I can remember, I have lost count of the blogs I’ve started, and I’m tired of not having much to show for it. I have set myself a deadline to get a novel self-published on Amazon by the end of the year, and I will track my process and progress on that project here on this blog. I am doing this on top of building my freelance writing business and a few other projects. Oh, and I’m getting married next month.
Part of this process involves less obvious tasks like reading more fiction. I will be doing my best to read one novel and three short stories every week, and will tell you about that too.
I also recently joined the oldest and largest online science and fantasy critique group in the world, The Critters Workshop. They’ve been going strong since the 1990’s, a huge, supportive community made up of writers of all levels. You have to critique a minimum of one work a week to stay in the community. It’s a fantastic exercise that makes you think about structure, language, and writing craft and can help you improve your own work.
I also want to provide something a little fun and of use to my fellow writers. I’m putting together a recurring feature on the blog where I will post a list of really cool scientific discoveries and weird news stories that could serve as inspiration for science fiction, fantasy, and horror. I’m still trying to come up with a clever name for it as of today.
And finally, I will try my best to blog every day. Sometimes it may just be a picture. I’m probably going to babble about food more than once. Movies and tv shows, and probably some politics are going to slip in. I am extremely progressive politically, so if you have a delicate world view that can’t handle the occasional feminist critique, my writing probably isn’t for you.
Thanks for reading, and please, introduce yourself in a comment sometime.